Minor Update

Minor Update

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  • Expanded compatibility: FlipaClip now supports Android 6.0 and higher versions.
  • Enhanced user interface: The app features a redesigned and user-friendly interface for smoother navigation.
  • Increased layer capacity: Users can now create animations with up to 10 layers, allowing for more complex and detailed projects.
  • New color picker tool: A newly added color picker tool provides improved precision and ease in selecting colors for your artwork.
  • Eraser tool: Introducing the eraser tool, enabling users to easily delete specific parts of their animations as needed.
  • Onion skinning tool: The new onion skinning tool allows animators to view the previous frame as a translucent reference, aiding in creating smooth and accurate motion.
  • Export as GIF: Users now have the option to export their animations as GIF files, expanding the range of sharing and usage possibilities.